OK, after a crappy spring what with pandemics and all, our ride schedule for April and May was cancelled.
I’m pleased to announce that our 2020 Ride Schedule V2.0 is now published and available. https://randonneurs.ns.ca/enter-now/
We have postponed our June 600k as most of our members who would have attempted this haven’t done the mileage to train for it because of the government’s Stay The Blazes Home and social distancing restrictions. So let’s start all over again, shall we?
The new schedule V2 is attached. We will have some fun shorter rides for the rest of June and begin a new brevet series starting in mid July. Anyone who rode a solo brevet earlier this month will of course get credit for it but we all have another chance at the long rides, this time maybe without the spring cold and rains and winds… this could be interesting!
If you had bookmarked or saved the old schedule, scrap it and save the new one. Print this one and stick it on your fridge or whatever it is you do. Let’s start getting out on some rides and having some fun! Of course we will still adhere to the Chief Medical Officer’s recommendations on physical distancing etc, and of course we will continue to monitor developments in the pandemic and our government’s responses to it.
Hope to see everyone out on their bikes soon!