Hi all – well – this Saturday, we have a ride without brevet cards and without lights – we have a fun short ride entitled, “Tour of The Jeddores”.
This is a very different sort of ride from our usual. We’re going exploring some very scenic Eastern Shore sideroads.
Pack a lunch. We’re going to stop for a bite to eat on a beautiful beach. Bring a sandwich and a beer – it’s gonna be that kind of a day.
Link to the route is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29022293 Distance will be 82km.
We’ll assemble in Musquodoboit Harbour. There’s a large paved parking area next to the train station, and spots across the street in front of the rec center and library – please scatter vehicles around the area and don’t block up merchant’s valuable parking spots. We’ll assemble in front of the library to depart at 10AM.
Your ride leader is the inimitable Janel Fisher.
We’ll head off east on Hwy 7 to East Jeddore (with a quick diversion around Myer’s Point) and ride to the end of the pavement in historic East Jeddore. We’ll re-trace our steps back to the head of the bay, then follow the opposite shoreline to the end of the pavement at West Jeddore. We’ll stop at the 50km point for a lunch break at the beach.
We next retrace our steps partway back, and turn left onto the Crossing Road, a short 3km section of gravel, to connect with the Ostrea Lake Road, where we’ll again head south to the end of the pavement and admire the view. We then head back to Musquodoboit Harbour.
This is the kind of ride where you might want to bring along an unsuspecting friend to introduce them to our eccentric little club. Pace will be relatively casual with several stops. Don’t be in a hurry. Save that for the weekend to follow.