Hello Randonneurs – congratulations on surviving another Canadian winter. This Saturday we have our first club ride of the 2018 season.
And welcome to the several new members who have joined the club in the past couple of months – hope to see you on the road this spring!
Our ride on Saturday is entitled, “Hammonds Plains – Waverley”. Link to the route is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/11059231
For the new members – you can print a cue sheet for each ride from the control bar in the margin to bring with you – or you can export the route to your Garminish device. If you’re not sure how, just let me know and I can help out. This becomes quite important on the longer rides later in the spring.
Our group will assemble on Saturday to depart from the Armdale Roundabout at 10AM. We’ll head out the St. Margaret’s Bay Road to Lakeside and Tantallon, then head up the new bike shoulders on the Hammonds Plains Road to Kingswood North and ride quiet roads to Lower Sackville, then on to Windsor Junction and back into town on the Waverley Road. I would predict a post ride social at one of our favourite watering holes to socialize and hear everyone’s news.
Hope to see you on Saturday.
Mark Beaver
Randonneurs Nova Scotia
PS – our ride schedule has hyperlinks to most of the routes imbedded in the titles of each ride – but wait until each week’s email to download the routes as they may get updated just before the email is sent out…