Hello folks, the autumn leaves were just starting for last weekend’s Hippie Dippie ride – so they should be at their prime this weekend.
So we’re heading inland to ride in Hants County – this Saturday’s ride is entitled, “Goff’s – Wittenburg”.
Link to the route is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18126535
We’ll assemble at the parking lot behind the Tim Horton’s at the Enfield Big Stop – please park cars back out of the way as this place gets busy during the daytime. Departure time is 10am.
We’ll head up the new pavement to Goff’s then on toward Dollar Lake Park, heading north past Lake Egmont to the Wittenburg road on small quiet backroads. After a visit to the Stewiacke Tim’s for coffee and a snack, we’ll head south to Shubenacadie and Milford then out through Hardwood Lands to the Enfield Road back to the Big Stop again.
See you there!